Friday, December 31, 2010
sparkling new year
Happy New Year's Eeeeeve!!
That's sparkling juice, by the way. Champagne tastes gross. To match the juice, I also wore sparkly earrings and sparkly shoes! Hurrah!
Hope everyone has a great 2011! I'll do my best to keep drawing and posting fashion into 2012!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
me and my brother
Tada! It's the sequel to Friend Fashion! This time I drew one of my brothers, who was totally stylin' after a shopping trip to the mall (we went to Express). (I should probably point out his socks weren't meant to match the rest of the outfit, although I guess they are still on the same end of the colour wheel). Again, you'll have to take my word for it that his shirt is an amazing colour, because digital just doesn't get it. For my part, I decided to try something new with my Baby the Stars Shine Bright ensemble—there are only so many ways you can wear the pink bunny dress, so I decided to wear just the other dress. But it's empire-waisted and looks kinda plain and nightgown-ish on its own, so I had to get creative. Then I thought, "It's almost the new year! What if I did something like an obi-sash?" (because apparently New Year=kimono. I read too much manga...) But my scarves weren't quite long enough for a proper obi tie, so I just made a nice bow. And then I took the dress' wasit-ties and brought them around to look like the... other tie that goes over the obi. I'm forgetting my terms. Anyway, I was happy with it.
More semi-relevant rambling... (is this turning into a livejournal post or what?)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
sparkly and comfy
I got myself motivated and scanned my skirt (it sounds strange, but that's what I did) so I could use the pattern here. And while I was at it, I finished two more drawings that used the skirt! (and one that just shared a sketchbook page.) Yayyyy, I'll get them all posted someday!!
The mother-of-pearl earrings were a Christmas gift from my aunt, who got them at a WAR Chest boutique (apparently they only have stores locally, but you can also shop online). It's run by a really neat organization aimed at rescuing women at risk all over the world and providing them with ways to become self-sufficient in their communities. The blue pair I wore on Sunday came from there too. They are gorgeous earrings, and it's a good feeling to know they were made with a greater purpose and not just pumped out of a factory somewhere!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
colourful dreams
And then and then and then!
It's been a movie watching week. I watched The Emperor's New Groove for the first time in forever on Sunday, and on Monday I entertained myself with Kamikaze Girls, which first introduced me to Baby The Stars Shine Bright (link to a previous outfit) some few years ago. I should've known that was dangerous... On this night, I donned my colourful best and headed to my parents' (I spend a lot of time there...) to watch Inception. It was very interesting, except for the action stuff. But I'm not much of an action-movie person, so I don't hold it against the movie. Anyway, interesting. I enjoyed the characters. The sequence when what's-her-name was messing with what's-his-name's dream and making the dream-city do crazy stuff was fantastic; I'd watch a whole movie of just stuff like that!
I think I misspelled lollipop in my drawing. Noted; will spell it correctly for the tag at least. "Typos" are that much more annoying when they're written out and not actually typed.
Monday, December 27, 2010
normal day
And back to normal days again. I wore jeans, isn't that shocking?
I don't have much to say, so here's a bonus doodle from when I was messing around with my brother's tablet!

Oh wait, I know! I wanted to say hello to all you new people who got here from Liana's lovely paper doll blog! (and all my family and friends who are regulars here, you should check her site out!! It is full of pretty things!) I update kind of sporadically because I don't have time every single day to get my outfit drawn, scanned, cleaned up, coloured, and a post written, so I apologize in advance for that, but I'm committed to getting every day posted eventually, even if it's not on time (also, in case anyone's confused, I date my posts for the day the outfit was worn, not the day I posted it)! So please enjoy :D
Sunday, December 26, 2010
merry day after Christmas!
So I had a lovely Christmas. The next day I went to my parents' place again after church because mum was making hash browns!! Mm, delicious warm potato-food. Well, while I was there my dad discovered a forgotten Christmas gift in his sock drawer. It was... a digital camera!! A super adorable turquiose coloured one, just for me! So now I can take pictures of all sorts of cute and wonderful things, like Finny fallen asleep with the yarn I'm knitting, or my mini Christmas tree as you saw a couple posts back. Thanks, mum and dad!!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
merry Christmas day!
Christmas Eve is for wearing festive colours; Christmas Day is for wearing new things I got last night. This sweater is gorgeous!! I should've drawn a pose that showed the socks better, because they're great too, but I'm sure you'll see them again here :D
Also, just for fun, a photo of the ensemble I wore outside to feed the birds at my parents' place, featuring my brother's much-too-big shoes that I pulled on. Tee hee.
Hope you all had a great Christmas!! It's New Year's Eve Day as I write this, so Happy New Year to you too!
Friday, December 24, 2010
merry Christmas eve!
Christmas Eve at last! Reli-li-lief!! I considered wearing this fitted turtleneck sweater under my green vneck but decided against it. This was a good thing, because I later realized I already did that combo last Christmas eve!
Even though we were sitting around most of the time at my aunt's, my feet were still sore after spending the night in heels. It's astonishing what one will do for cute looks. (but the shoes are so very very cute!)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
counting down
Two days to Christmas, and one stubborn brother to shop for (he gave everyone exactly NO ideas, so we were all on our own). I spent the night at my parents' and wore these clothes right out of the wash!! (yes yes, I do use their washer and dryer because my house doesn't have one. I bought my own detergent to use, though!) Actually, of all the laundry I did I managed to not wash any pants except pajamas (in my defense, it's not like I wear them very often), so I had to run home first to change before heading to the mall one last time. Have to look my best (or at least decent) for the mall crowd!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
more christmas crafting
Tada!! The reason I went to the fabric store that day—I needed materials to make potholders as a Christmas gift. (I still may make some for myself too, as I currently have to make do with a spare towel or two.) (also this sketch is a lie—I totally used a sewing machine and NOT a needle and thread. but needle-and-thread was easier to draw.) I brushed up on my sewing skillz... it turns out I can still sew in a relatively straight line with a sewing machine! Go me!! I'm a little skeptical of my ability to do anything more complex, though. Once, with a lot of help and advice from mum, I made a fairly simple skirt, but otherwise most of my sewing experience comes from making sleeping bags for my and my brothers' Beanie Babies back when those were the hot new thing. That also involved a bunch of straight lines. Still, every bit of practice helps!! And it's so fun to see something nice come together from a bunch of fraying scraps of fabric, right before my eyes!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
princess of legend
I leave you with one more for now! We had a lovely night out with a few of the high school girls from church, decorating Christmas ornaments and snacking and chatting. My friend had made the pink rhinestone-dotted ornament as a sample, and sent it home with me at the end of the night with instructions that I must feature it in the day's post. But of course! Such a lovely bubblegum-pink, bejeweled spectacle must be shared with the world!! It now has a place on my cute tree (as seen here if you can spot it). Next year I'll give it a more central spot of honour.
I decorated my hair before the event with some curly silver ribbon I had salvaged from a pile of torn giftwrap last Christmas. It was the perfect use!
Oh, one more story behind the mismatched socks. I usually match mine, but earlier in the evening I'd stepped on our stairs funny and got the back of my heel scraped up a bit by a nail. It hurt, but I didn't notice anything more till later, when I looked at the heel and noticed the dark red stripe was just a little bit darker in an area—blooood!! (yet it hadn't spread to any other stripes, just that dark one.) I had to wash out the knit tights and leave the house with a wet, alternate-socked foot.
Monday, December 20, 2010
casual kitty
Casual day! Which apparently means Hello Kitty and plaid-skirt-with-hot-pink-nailpolish-spill. I have a new item of black clothing (joining two or three others), thanks to my lovely cousin!! It's gathered at the bottom, which I find incredibly cute.
I promise I won't wear the leggings out in public without a skirt or something layered over them, though. I only did that sort of thing when I was in third grade and stretchy stirrup pants with loud floral patterns were my favourite Saturday pants (my mum wouldn't let me wear them to school with my hot-pink scribble-design shirt and four different coloured socks).
Sunday, December 19, 2010
winter knits
Thanks, all you who keep checking in here! I promise I won't give up, even if I fall behind! And it's the holidays, after all—I'm allowed to be lazy and spend time with my dear family rather than my dear computer, right? :D
Until I get the rest of the way caught up, have a sweater-dress!! It's new, but I waited till the last Sunday of Advent to wear it (to match the last purple candle being lit). It sheds purple fuzzies EVERYWHERE. Good thing I got a sweater-de-fuzzifier for Christmas!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
no cookies
Oh look, it's another grey dress!
This was a day of much running around... and then sitting at home wishing I were better at planning ahead. I got it into my head at 11pm that I should make eggnog cookies to bring to the family gathering on Sunday, but found I needed at least one more egg than I had, and couldn't reach my brother to have him pick some up for me (he was later dropped off at our house by a police officer! at 4am! because he had locked himself out of his car. scared me out of my wits, seriously). But the frantic weekend is over now, and as of today (Tuesday) I have acquired eggs and made cookies. Hooray!
Friday, December 17, 2010
grey knit love
Grey is my favourite non-colour. It's so much more interesting than white or black! Warm greys are especially nice. Knit fabric (like soft tshirt material) is also nice. When I was little, I had a grey dress of knit material with a pink flower print, and I loved it to bits (not literally). It was warm and cozy, and when I spun around wearing it, it twirled up fabulously. This dress reminds me of it a little!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
unmotivated jellyfish
Hum. This pose was very not-thought-out; I was feeling extra unmotivated, so I just went with the first thing my pencil drew. As it was, I had to make a deal with myself that once I got my drawing(s—I was already a day behind) done I could watch the new episode of Princess Jellyfish. It worked!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
material fascination
So I went to the fabric store. It turned into a both wonderful and torturous experience, as I found myself surrounded by countless lovely colours and patterns and all manner of prettiness... but I couldn't exactly take every pretty thing I saw back home with me. I didn't even have a very good idea of what I might do with most of the pretty I found—I've done a little sewing in the past, but I'm easily distracted and never stick with things. And yet! The pretty!! Cute, classic floral prints; Japanesque novelties; batik; colourful retro designs!! Ooooh!
Eventually I got what I needed and narrowed down my choices of what I wanted (the designs up above were all purchased as fat quarters, so whatever I make of them will have to be fairly small. but on the other hand, they were super cheap!) and managed to tear myself away from the place. But I want to go back again...
So if anyone has ideas for small fabric projects I could make of these, please share them!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
sleepy ruffly
The second part of the bored-sleepy set. Again I am sad that I can never quite achieve the vibrancy of my medium-dark turquoise clothes with the flat colours available to me in a digital palette. Alas, RGB...
Monday, December 13, 2010
sleepy brights
I've been getting bored lately. Boredom makes me sleepy. But fortunately, sleepy poses are new and interesting, which makes them easy to draw! (that may sound strange, but for me it's more difficult to draw when I don't have a specific pose in mind, or can't think of an interesting way of drawing a more "normal" pose, than when I sit down with an unusual idea in mind.) I whipped this sketch out in a matter of minutes!
Tomorrow's a sleepy day too. It's good weather for curling up under a pile of blankets... mmm.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
winter seashell
Please excuse the strange pose, a direct result of the previous day's pose taking up more than its fair share of the page. This outfit's theme(?) was pink, for the third week of Advent. I decided that turquoise, like yellow, (and green, brown, and purple,) looks great paired with pink!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
christmas decoratin'
Saturday evening was spent with the family (minus one, plus two), decorating the Christmas tree! Yay!! It was nice to go back home and be a part of that. My own tree is very small and still rather sparse in the ornament (and light) department. But our family's Christmas tree is packed with lights and ornaments and happiness!!
This year it was my turn to hang the Dancing Cow ornament, the treasure of our collection. It's a wooden cow with a pull-string that makes his arms and legs move, and was one of the first ornaments my parents got for their tree. There was also a hunt to find the paper fan angel with a photo of my brother's 8(?)-year-old face, another (slightly) more recent treasure.
Friday, December 10, 2010
christmas sock weather
Straight hair! It's a straight-hair-no-glasses day. And now... for a few hours of today, the 10th of December, I am going to savour being all, entirely caught up on daily-fashion posts. Tomorrow I may fall behind again, but today I can be satisfied.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I figured out something good while doing the dots on this shirt! After doing the dots on another day's first and getting tired of it, I decided to copy-paste a chunk of screentone from a page of the manga I'm lettering* and invert the colour (so the black dots became white) and plop it on top. Instant-dots! Hurrah! So easy!!
Anyway, on this day I had a peppermint-mocha latte and did some crafty stuff with friends. It was fun, but after I got home, I realized I had waaaaaaay too much energy and could barely think straight. Is my caffeine-tolerance that low?
*(for anyone who didn't understand that—manga refers to Japanese comics, and many of them use screentone, which is a black-and-white pattern that, when printed, creates shades of grey (or other designs) on a printed page. sometimes the dots are close together to create a dark grey; sometimes farther apart to create a light grey shade.)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
charming, yes?
Another evening spent with the kiddies at church, who were adorable and wild and hilarious. Yay!! I actually managed to be cold wearing all this (but then, I had forgotten the armwarmers at home after taking them off to make delicious potato curry for the church's dinner potluck).
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
rock the stars
...I went shopping :D I find the best way to properly integrate new clothes into my wardrobe is to wear them as soon as I get them. If I don't, or am hesitant, it's probably a sign that I didn't really want those clothes and shouldn't have bought them. So, welcome, purple starry shirt and blue starry shirt with thumbholes in the sleeves! I enjoy drawing stars.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
uselessly cute jacket
Back to yellow and purple! And layers. That jacket always makes me feel cold, despite its long sleeves, and despite "keeping you warm" being the basic purpose of jackets. I used a pair of legwarmers as insulation.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
strange coincidences
Oooh, as I was drawing this Saturday night I was so! excited! to post it, because the funniest thing happened!
For some reason that evening I had been browsing my early pages of daily fashion drawings (I first started this drawing project last year in august but got a little sparse/lazy around november and finally gave up in december until I restarted again this May) and happened to notice one wearing the same striped polo shirt I was wearing that day. I thought... "Haha, it'd be funny if I wore it the same day last year!" but then I looked at the date, and... well. Not only did I wear the same polo shirt on the same first Saturday of December, I ALSO wore the same pants AND the same yellow shirt!! Of all the clothes and all the combinations I could have... Is my brain so very predictable??
Friday, December 3, 2010
complimenting complements
At church a girl randomly complimented my sweater. I wasn't sure if there was a reason why beyond her just liking it and saying so, but I do rather like this traditional looking v-neck. It was perfect for our annual Advent Adventure craft and activities night :D I helped with a craft making yarn-doll angels, my friend's idea. They were super cute!!
Also, any time I wear a red sweater with my navy pleated skirt, I think of the American Girl doll Molly. Didn't she wear something like that for Halloween? I could be getting it mixed up with the skirt she wore for her regular outfit. (but she had to wear a normal skirt under her tissue-paper hula skirt too, right?)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
happy december!
I had a long day, full of playing with small children. Generally this is alllllll good with me, but our church's congregational meeting went longer than the usual Wednesday-night activities, so by the end of the night I think all the kids in the nursery were getting impatient and stir-crazy. Also, one of them was getting kinda bossy with me. I don't take well to bossing, I think, because I was and will forever be the big sister of my family, which means I am the one who bosses everyone else. It can be no other way!
Hey look, you get a bonus mini-drawing of my outerwear! December greeted us with a picture-perfect snowfall, our first of the season. Of course it was a day on which I had plans to walk to a friend's! While I was out walking about town, I happened to pass some guys from the local news who seemed to be videotaping or photographing me as I walked by. Whether this made it into the evening news as part of a story about how It Snowed In Our City Today or not, I don't know because I don't have a tv. But if it did, I'm glad I was wearing a full array of colours!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
the cleverness of me!
As I was working on a project on this Tuesday morning, still in my pjs, a particularly useful idea suddenly came to me (looking back, it wasn't really that big of a deal) and suddenly I heard a little voice say, "Oh the cleverness of me!" I replied, Oh, Peter you silly boy. I took that as my cue and decided to dress up Pan-inspired. Hooray! All ready to fight pirates!
Monday, November 29, 2010
grumpy girl
I woke up and realized I didn't care even a little bit what I wore, so I wore a sweater that I didn't care about. I think this outfit is nice in theory—I like the colours together, the texture, etc, but it just made me grumpy all day wearing it. The sleeves were loose and baggy and would get in my way. The skirt had one of those hook-eyelet clasps above the zipper on the side, and it poked my skin and annoyed me. Only my tabi socks and loved-to-pieces grey jeans could cheer me up. Blerg. It might be time to move on from this sweater.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
improvised lace
For various reasons, I ended up sleeping over at my parents'. I hadn't planned on this, so I only had yesterday's outfit and one recently-laundered lace shirt to throw in the mix! Oh no! Same is boring, so I did my best! to make up something new. Mum generously shared her belt with me, and it turns out I liked it so much she let me keep it and I wore it again for the next two days.
Wearing a scarf around my head turned out to be really cozy. I'm considering adopting a 50s(?) movie star look, except I don't really like wearing sunglasses...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
bossy princess
Oh, oh! An excuse to dress up! My littlest brother's birthday was Sunday but he was headed back to school that day, so we all got together Saturday night and had Chinese food. I ordered Princess Chicken! It's a good thing that dish is so delicious (despite all the green peppers, which I eat first to get rid of), because I can never resist it when I see that name.
(meep... just barely fit everything in the tags field)
Friday, November 26, 2010
cool friday
These light blue drawstring pants are another item of clothing that frequently stumps me—I can't decide if I like the crinkly-bunchy look of the drawn up pants or if I think it's excessive (the drawstrings go most of the way up, from ankle to the side-pockets). This time I spiced up the look by making the drawstrings into multi-loopy bows, like little pom-poms! Tada!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
thanksgiving dreams
I am a fickle lass. I couldn't bring myself to post more plain old black and white sketches—it's so booooring! I need colour. So I did my best to colour these all fast-fast.
So, belatedly, Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrated it! I hope you had lots of yummy food and a pleasant break from the normal routines!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I don't remember what I was fretting about when I drew this picture... hmm. Anyway, I'd just done my laundry (at my parents' house) the day before and came back with some of my favourite items. So I wore them all at once :D Skinny jeans, yellow tshirt, tabi socks...♥
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
second grade self
Last day of my temporary job! I wore this outfit in honour of my 7 year old self, whose most favourite ever colours were fuchsia, violet and blue-green. I still remember sitting at an elementary school table colouring a picture of flowers with my treasured crayons in those three colours. While I was working in the design room, the young daughter of one of the designers came to meet her mum, and she too was decked out in pinks and purples. We matched!
Monday, November 22, 2010
stepping on roses
I went and coloured this one after all (really quickly, like in 10 minutes), because I liiiiike it. I went back to helping out as a designer, and they put me to work cleaning the lower leaves and outer petals from the roses. By the time I finished the job, I found myself standing in a crimson and green sea of rose petals and leaves. So dramatic!
Also, one thing I appreciate about glasses is being able to tuck a flower between the frame and my head, just above my ear. Flowers are nice accessories.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
dramatic colourless lys
I am trying out posting just the sketches, no colour. It's not as exciting, but at least I can keep up this way. If you feel inclined to colour them yourselves, go ahead! (and let me see too :D) At this point I think most of the things I wear have been worn in previous posts, but if you're unsure about the colours, just make it up however you like!
[jan 2011 edit: i couldn't stand it; the lack of colour was making me sad. so now it's in colour, along with the others I originally posted in b/w.]
Saturday, November 20, 2010
curry flurries
Working on catch-up, still. Maybe I need to go back to just posting these as b/w sketches and worry about colour when I have an endless supply of free time again. Hmm.
Anyway, I got a little dressed up to go out for lunch with my dad at an Indian restaurant down the street from me. This past... spring? I discovered an Indian curry cookbook (660 Curries by Raghavan Iyer) at the library, and I've been in love with Indian food ever since. But so far I'd only ever made it myself, so I was curious about what the food at a restaurant would be like! They had a lunch buffet, so we got to sample a bunch of dishes. It was all tasty, but I think next time I'll try ordering off the menu to experience the food at its best. Now I'm even more determined to try making paneer with goat milk someday...
Friday, November 19, 2010
christmas elfin
I was called in to work in my mum's department at work, helping them design floral arrangements while one of the regular designers was out with a broken arm (of course it would happen at the busiest time of year for them). Mum had talked to me the previous week about possibly helping out, but it wasn't until 10pm Thursday night that she actually called me and asked if I'd be willing to come in on Friday. Of course, I agreed :D
Afterwards, I went to see Scott Pilgrim (for the third time) with friends!
I realized while colouring this drawing that I'd forgotten to write in what all I was wearing, so I had to search my memory for the colour of the shirt and the rose earrings (I have two pairs of rose earrings, in pink and in red). That's the danger of getting behind on these. But I recalled the purple shirt that almost-matched the bandana, and I figured I would have worn red roses since I was dressing in Christmas colours (for which purple totally counts—it's an advent colour!)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
moss forest
In my internet browsing and wandering, I came across a mention of "mori girl," one of many (manymany) fashion trends in Japan. Mori means forest, so the trend aims for a natural, woodsy, fairy-ish look (or something like that). I thought it sounded just lovely :D
This outfit doesn't exactly fit that image (the fairies I know prefer skirts), but it's got the forest part, anyway. You can imagine I'm a moss-covered tree in the middle of deep woods. Maybe it's the morning of an early frost...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I had to start a new layer in Photoshop for nearly every item of clothing in this outfit, what with all the sheer layered items. Gotta keep it exciting!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
This is exciting, right!? Look how awesome I am!!
In high school, or rather right after graduating high school, I went through a pirate phase (try and guess what year that was and what movie hit theaters that summer and it'll all make entirely too much sense). But I suspect even before that I had a soft spot for them, as a fan of Peter Pan and his wonderful, exciting battles with Hook. I asked my brother while wearing this outfit what he thought my theme was, and he was initially stumped. Maybe the red-green christmas colour combo threw him off, but when I told him "I'm a pirate!" he said, "Oh yeah, Disney style with all the stripes." I never really thought about Disney being the one to popularize stripes on pirates before... but they also seem to have established the "Alice is blonde and wears a blue dress" rule. So apparently Disney's depiction of pirates have made lasting impressions on me.
Monday, November 15, 2010
bored nostyle
This is Bored Lys: "who cares if anything matches" edition (although maybe the socks and orange shirt are close). I was actually going to wear a red-white striped shirt with this too, but I changed my mind.
I can't be awesome every single day... but I'll try to make up for it with the next day's outfit.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
un poco rococo
There! See, I have not abandoned you! An update... an outfit over a week old, but it's colourful and lacy and pretty, so you'll forgive me? :D
I have many more drawings of outfits to post, I just have to scan them and make them nice and colourful. But I will do that in the coming days! Maybe not tomorrow, as tomorrow is Thanksgiving (despite the date on this post—it's backdated to correspond to the day the outfit was worn, not the day I post) and I'll be spending it with my family. But look for more soon!
In any case, I like wearing (and making) knit scarves, but dressy-type scarves can be nice too (in other words, I'm thinking I need to acquire a couple more for this winter). They keep my neck warm, which is good because most of my shirts have wider or more open necklines. And they can be worn so many different ways! When I wore this outfit, I seriously considered wrapping the scarf around my head in a piratesque-fashion... but I decided my neck needed the warmth more, and my hair was too cute to cover up. Next time, though...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
slapjack happy
It's the night of the (annual?) Escanaba in da Moonlight-watching party at my friends' place! I attempted to dress up like a Yooper, but I'm not sure anyone caught on without me pointing it out. Oh well, it amused me anyway.
The plaid shirt and boots both came from my brother. I felt like some kind of bizarre godzilla clomping around in the boots :D But they stayed on as long as I kept the shoelaces tied tight! And I discovered that flannel shirts are soooooooooo waaaaaaaaarm. I think I want a couple (in my size, though).
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