Sunday, November 14, 2010

un poco rococo

There! See, I have not abandoned you! An update... an outfit over a week old, but it's colourful and lacy and pretty, so you'll forgive me? :D

I have many more drawings of outfits to post, I just have to scan them and make them nice and colourful. But I will do that in the coming days! Maybe not tomorrow, as tomorrow is Thanksgiving (despite the date on this post—it's backdated to correspond to the day the outfit was worn, not the day I post) and I'll be spending it with my family.  But look for more soon!

In any case, I like wearing (and making) knit scarves, but dressy-type scarves can be nice too (in other words, I'm thinking I need to acquire a couple more for this winter). They keep my neck warm, which is good because most of my shirts have wider or more open necklines. And they can be worn so many different ways! When I wore this outfit, I seriously considered wrapping the scarf around my head in a piratesque-fashion... but I decided my neck needed the warmth more, and my hair was too cute to cover up. Next time, though...

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