Monday, February 28, 2011
a little wild
I think this might be the last of the braids—at this point they were almost all out and my hair was all crimpy-textured. I liked it a lot, actually. Maybe I need to go back in time to the 80s and nab one of their hair crimpers!
Sorry, I don't remember where these awesome socks came from! Maybe Younkers? My lovely aunt picked them up for me :D
Ohhhhh guess what! I was looking at my archives and noticed January only had 30 posts, despite being 31 days! And I realized I totally forgot to post one, so it's up now, and here you can go see it!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
a strawberry
This outfit's theme was strawberry! Or at least I think of strawberries when I see it? I was wearing a strawberry hat part of the day too, but I didn't draw it. I guess this could be watermelon-colours too, but the little flowers on the top make me think of strawberry blossoms. So there.
I had these knit flowers lying around for a project I haven't got around to finishing (...) and when I was trying to figure out what to do with my hair, I realized they would look really cute pulling my braids back! (yes, hair is still in braids, mostly.) So I pinned 'em in, and one of them had long enough yarn-tails that I could actually braid the ends with my hair to get a colourful braid mixed in with the plain ones.
(another post I can't fit all the tags in. arg.)
Friday, February 25, 2011
There are these books that exist, Fruits and Fresh Fruits, and they are fat photo-collections of Japanese street fashion from around the late 90s or so. Perhaps you know of them too? They're awesome. Some of those kids are way more adventurous than me!! I love looking at the pictures :D This particular outfit is one I put together after the cover of Fresh Fruits (sitting around my room) caught my eye.
Now to see if I can fit everything I'm wearing in the tags field... (nope.)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
sugar happy
Some good friends of mine frequently mention sweet foods and it always makes me hungry, because I love sweets (but I love my veggies too, mum!). On this occasion they were talking about chocolate truffle cake and I don't even know what that is exactly (apparently you can make it without flour, which means it's probably ridiculously rich and wonderful) but oh, how I wanted some. Having no means to obtain it, I was forced to be creative and find something else that is sweet and yummy and also easy to make—and I happened upon a recipe for dorayaki! They're like little pancakes folded in half, traditionally with sweet red bean filling. (I later tried them with chocolate chips, banana, coconut shavings and other fillings, but I think the red bean is best (but chocobanana is still reeeeeally good)). Yummy yum. The only problem is that the recipe makes about 6-7, and if no one is around to share them with I might just eat them all in one sitting (and I can't cut the recipe in half, because it calls for one egg and what would I do with the other half of the egg?)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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shirt - In Vain (Kohl's) skirt - Old Navy |
It's been a while, but here's another friend-fashion post!
Kids are awesome, aren't they? I was over at this boy's house when he decided to dress up and started roaring through the house. He's so funny.
The duck mask fits him better than it fits me... (she says, from experience.)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
my stripes!
Everything's striped! The blue shirt has a ribbed texture. Somehow stripes feel like they're extra warm... maybe it's just all the layering.
Those armwarmers were originally knit for my brother, but he rarely wears them, so I took 'em back (temporarily). They're ribbed, so nice and stretchy, and extra long. Cozy~
Monday, February 21, 2011
soft and sparkling
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sweater - So scarf - handmade skirt - Ann Taylor |
I got a new skirt! A couple, in fact. Not that I needed them, but when we had our monthly get-together with the extended family, my awesome cousins had an impromptu mini clothing-exchange, and I got to join in (though I didn't have anything to offer)!
I'll have to be careful not to let this skirt get covered in Finny's fur.
Still got braids!!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
more snow
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dress - Old Navy |
And theeeen all my spring-ful hopes and dreams were dashed by another snowfall! What a shock. By the way, sundresses are totally okay to wear in winter. With winter boots. Yes.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
flower showers
Friday, February 18, 2011
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sleeveless top - It's Our Time (Kohl's?) |
I put my hair in a bunch of tiny little braids a couple days before this. They were fun to have but kind of a pain to draw. You'll be seeing them for a while though...
I'm gonna be a little inconsistent with the brand captions, because I'm lazy and by now I think most of my clothes have been listed at least once with the brand or I've forgotten where they came from (like my socks and tights).
Thursday, February 17, 2011
random posing
Slowly, slowly catching up... (and then falling behind again, and then catching up again!)
This might be a little out of place, but as I'm posting this (11 March), my mind is filled with the news from Japan and the devastating earthquake and tsunami they've been hit with. Please keep them (as well as all those along the Pacific coasts) in your thoughts and prayers!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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sweater - Takeout both skirts - Wet Seal |
Almost Valentine's Day!! I get really excited about this holiday every year. I can only blame all those happy childhood memories of Valentine's Day parties in elementary school. Maybe it's my love for sweets. Or my love for pink, for lace and frills and hearts. In any case, I love it.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
laundry day
Friday, February 11, 2011
phones and me
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sweaters - from Kohl's skirt - Old Navy boots - from Target pig phone charm - some Sanrio-ish store in Chicago |
On this particular Friday in February, T-mobile had some deal for free smart phone upgrades going on. Since my family has a cell plan with them, various of us decided to go check it out. My current phone was... oh, 4-5 years old, so I thought, maybe I'd find something worth upgrading to.
However, I'm one of those odd ducks who uses her cellphone for phone calls, as a substitute alarm clock, and occasionally for the calculator feature. I don't text, I don't tweet, I don't browse the internet, I don't even (necessarily need to, though it might be nice to) take pictures with it... and most importantly, I like cute. This is problematic, because new phones are not particularly attractive to me. Sure, they're slick and shiny and new, but they're not cute. They're just big ol' boring ol' screens. It's hard to find a new model a cute size, a pretty colour, and (the key point) possessing the little phone-charm-holder-slot.
So of course I found nothing I liked. But there was a happy outcome even so! I ended up getting my mum's old phone (she upgraded to a fancy new thing), an identical model to mine phone minus the scratch on the outer screen that always made me sad when I looked at it. It's cute and a nice colour and my adorable round piggy-charm matches it perfectly!! I couldn't be happier!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
extra layers
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
contemplating pattern
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
no more!
Monday, February 7, 2011
for tiz
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jacket - So... (Kohl's) star tshirt - Arizona (JCPenny) shorts - l.e.i (Younkers) leggings - Say What? |
This outfit, hmm. My inspiration was a '90s scifi shoujo manga I'd read the day before. Does it show? Maybe not the argyle socks so much. Anyway, the manga was Jyu-Oh-Sei, and it was really fantastic. Great characters, lovely art, story that kept me hooked. Check it out if you're interested!! As for me, now I'm craving more shoujo scifi...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
paisley headache
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dress - Derek Heart | tshirt - Mossimo | socks - SouSou | earrings - Forever21 |
Look! I'm doing soooo good at updating regularly, huh? Huh? Praise me! Well, but I'm still two and a half weeks behind. Anyway! This update has more updates attached! I scanned the dress pattern and finished off some other drawings with it. It's a brown-paisley-dress-extravaganza!
I had a headache when I drew this. I think it was from drinking soda. My body isn't used to all those chemicals and high fructose corn syrup! Danger, danger!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
sorta split complements
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cami - American Eagle tshirt - Mossimo (Target) scarf - self-knit skirt - Weathervane tights - JC Penny shoes - Apple Bottom earrings - Forever21 |
Colour-theory outfit day! This is split complementary (which is when you take two complements, say red and green, and then choose the colours directly adjacent on the colour wheel to one of them—so redviolet, redorange, and green), mostly, although the cami might go a little too far into purple. But theory is just theory; what matters is that it looks good, right?
So that's today's art/colour lesson. As someone who could spend hours organizing giant Crayola boxes of crayons into perfect rainbow order and still has memories of the day she learned the colour wheel in an elementary school art class, I love this topic and its practical application (or was that already obvious?). I hope you enjoyed it too!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
beginner's luck
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sweater - American Eagle top - L8ter (Younkers) pants - YesStyle socks - Sockdreams |
I have fantastic beginner's luck. Have I mentioned this before? Especially with board games, it seems. Maybe I'm just so quiet and unassuming that no one notices me until it's too late and I've taken over the world. So this is my "Never you mind about little ol' me while I build a ridiculous train empire, and spell words like quinoa and tunicate (+50pts) in your Scrabble game" face. (okay, so it wasn't my first time playing Scrabble, but it'd been a while, and most of my memories of the game are of putting down words like "did" and "far" and adding an "s.")
Thursday, February 3, 2011
the old navy
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EVERYTHING - Old Navy (I feel kinda like one of the Jusco people in Kamikaze Girls, writing that...) |
Sweater-sweater day the second! The outfit's theme is Old Navy, because everything came from there. I started coordinating the outfit with the sweaters, was amused that they were both Old Navy, and decided to see if I could make an entire outfit of Old Navy clothes. The socks were the only tricky part—I used to have a lot of their socks some years ago, but they almost all got worn out except for this and one other pair of thick-fuzzy socks. Also, I realized I have a ton of Old Navy skirts—like, eight of them. I guess that's fitting since the skirt that started my obsession came from there... But still, I hardly ever shop there anymore, so it's weird to realize I've got so much of their stuff in my closet and dresser.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
snowpocalypse day
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skirt - Wet Seal jeans - American Eagle socks - Sockdreams scarf and armwarmers - knit 'em myself! earrings - Icing (I think) |
It's been a while, since I got so behind in posting, but do you remember the Snowpocalypse of a few weeks ago? Yeah, I'm trying to shut it out of my memory too (especially because we've had beautiful SUN the past couple days). This drawing was from the day all the snow hit our fair state—at least 13 inches, I recall hearing. I stayed holed up inside and only looked out the window with contempt. This is another good-and-bad thing about freelancing. I never have to go out in the gross weather to get to work... but I don't get snowdays either. But I'm not complaining.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
double knit
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