Thursday, January 27, 2011

bus adventure

hat and yellow sweater - Target
turquoise sweater - American Eagle
pants - Wet Seal
boots - Little Laundry

This... is when... I had to... run... after a... bus—through the snow, but I couldn't catch it, and the next one didn't come for another hour, so I had to walk all the way to the other bus stop I needed to get to (instead of transferring from the bus I was chasing) so I could visit my friend at college.  I learned two things: one is that I am not used to running and ran out of breath pathetically quickly and spent the rest of the walk feeling like I was gonna die, and two is that it's not that far to the other bus stop, only a brisk half-hour walk or so.  I do like living downtown.  It's a good city, my city.

Also, that pain in my guts that makes me feel like death isn't something I enjoy, but as it gradually subsides I realize what a great feeling it is to not have pain, and I can be thankful.  So it's a good experience overall, I think!

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